Friday, March 18, 2011

The Promise of Spring

As of this Sunday, March 20, 2011, Spring will officially be sprung!  My heart can't help but be filled with joy as spring comes forth each year.  I love saying good-bye to bulky sweaters, winter coats, chapped lips, static electricity, goose bumps, and pale skin.  I love the promises that spring brings!

No other season displays such profound testimony to the beatuy of the Lord!  As I sit here writing, I can hear the beautiful melodies of gentle birds singing their glorious tunes.  The sun is shining brightly, and there is a perfect, crisp, cool breeze.  I can hear the laughter of children outside playing, dogs barking, and lawnmowers mowing.  The smell is enchanting.  As the flowers and trees blossom in earnest, you just can't avoid the sweet smell on the wind of growth.  The grass greens, buds swell, and a few brave bulbs blossom. How bright the colors are, and the fragrances! All of creation is shouting for joy!

May we all enjoy the beautiful weather and find inspiration, relaxation, and fun in Our Father's world this spring.

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